Spartan Handgun 101 is designed to give the beginner with no or little experience, intermediate or advanced shooter the proper handgun fundamentals to execute in a real-world self-defense manner. Starting with “mindset, what that truly means for real world encounters, focusing on fundamentals of shooting pistols by building a strong foundation and developing their skill set with a full understanding of accuracy, acceptable accuracy under heighten stress, and teaches shooters how to get the most out of their training.
Students provide their own ammo: 250-400 rounds minimum.
Firearms – A functional handgun chambered in .22, .380, 9mm, .40 cal, or .45 ACP. A secondary spare weapon system is highly encouraged but not mandatory. A cleaning kit and proper tools that are compatible with the weapon system(s) the shooter has is also a must. Each student should have a minimum of 3-5 working magazines. Single stack style weapon system(s) bring a minimum of 5-8 working magazines.